Holiday Notice Gandhi Jayanti and Mahalaya
Notice regarding Karampuja & Milad- un-nabi.
Notice regarding Aikyashree & oasis -2024
Notice regarding CBT exam-2024
Notice regarding class newly admitted trainee
Notice -Revised date regarding practical hall ticket
Notice regarding practical exam-2024
Notice Eid – ud – Zoha (Bakrid)
A new initiative, “Santiniketan Health Upnagari,” will be established in collaboration with the state government and managed by women to advance the healthcare sector. The location will be selected in consensus with the state government, and “Santiniketan Medical College and Hospital” will support as a facilitator. Daily online discussion meetings are being held for this purpose:
1) Evening meeting at 7:30 pm to sensitize women entrepreneurs.
2) Discussion meeting to develop women entrepreneurs at 9 pm every day.
Meeting Link: